Monday, March 30, 2009

Dumb Dum Boomer's First Copy "is" Printed Out!

Hooray for the Boomer Lover!!!! Her most wanted story... she finally got it!!!!!!!! Later on, RRB Fans!!!! Beware... "Dumb Dum Boomer" is gonna catch your eye!
In the book, Boomer had been acting dumb (he is dumb) and sometimes, like a girl. If you remember, in "Boy Toys", Brick said," Lame Sissies! Go play with your dolls and tea parties!" Well this is a picture of Boomer hosting a Tea Party lol!!!!!! Just thought it was cute and funny so I shared it with you... :P


If you read... carefully, above, you should know that Brick said, "Lame Sissies! Go play with your dolls and tea parties!" Actually that is in the new story!!!!

HighLight above to read my secret ink!!!!

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